Virtual Events for Transfers

    UCI Virtual Events for Transfers

    We want to meet you, wherever you are.

    At UCI, our students are friendly, curious, and care about the world around them. If this sounds like you, join us for one of our virtual presentations as we take you beyond the classroom to see the possibility of making our campus your future home.

    UCI Prospective Transfer Presentations
    Are you preparing to apply to UCI for Fall 2024 and beyond? Join us for a UCI Prospective Transfer Presentation! Learn about UCI and our transfer admissions process with an admissions counselor, sessions will last approximately 45 minutes with time to ask your questions.

    TAP/TAG: Learn about the TAP tool and how it supports your transfer and TAG process.

    UC Application: Gain more insight into what to expect when filling out the UC transfer application.

    Related Majors: Learn more about the various options UCI offers for popular career fields.

    Campus Resources: Learn more about specific campus resources at UCI that support transfer students in their academic and personal journeys.

    All times listed are in the Pacific Time Zone.
    Please select a date on the calendar,

    convert the event time to your local time zone,
    and register by choosing the event option below.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled


    Message from Peter the Anteater: Hey! I'm Peter the 🐜🍴and I'm here to help! Why not say "Hi" to get started? 💪